About our school

Beachport Primary and Preschool hosts approximately 60 students from preschool to year 6, fostering a strong sense of community and an individualised learning journey for each child.

We aim to be an exceptional community of learning where children feel safe, supported, engaged and challenged to achieve their personal best. We support children as they develop into powerful and effective learners through the provision of a high-quality education aligned to the Australian/SA Curriculum complemented by additional learning experiences such as our Community Garden, Lego League, Coastline Sports Day, Round Robin Basketball and SAPSASA. We provide 1:1 devices across our site, utilising both laptops and ipads in each class.

Our School and Preschool have strong links to our Beachport community, involved in the local culture and industries such as Southern Rock Lobster fishing, tourism and hospitality. We have high levels of parent engagement through Governing Council and Parent Club, supporting our school through setting the school vision, planning future developments and fundraising.

We invite you to discover more about Beachport Primary and Preschool, where we focus on nurturing our young people socially, emotionally, physically and academically.

For more details or to schedule a visit, please get in touch.

Our Vision: Excellence in Learning, Life and Community

At Beachport Primary and Preschool our vision is to be an exceptional community of learning where children feel safe and are engaged and challenged to achieve their personal best. Children are supported as they develop into independent, resilient, positive, powerful learners and problem-solvers who value life-long learning. Our children are confident and willing to challenge themselves in the next steps towards their future. 


Our Values

Our 4 values – Care, Attitude, Responsibility and Effort – are integrated throughout everything that we do at Beachport.

C for Care: Everybody contributes to the safe, nurturing environment that is Beachport. We support each other, listen to ensure each individual is valued and understood and we are attentive to each other’s needs.

A for Attitude: A positive attitude is crucial for both personal and collective success in the classroom and our community. We approach learning with enthusiasm, being open to new experiences, and maintaining a resilient and optimistic outlook even when faced with challenges.

R for Responsibility: Responsibility involves being reliable and taking ownership of one’s actions. We demonstrate responsibility by managing our time effectively, participating in our learning, supporting others to do the same and taking responsibility for our role in our school and wider community.

E for Effort: Effort is about the energy and determination one puts into tasks. Everybody engages actively with their learning as well as within our community. We put effort into working with each other, supporting one another and aiming to achieve our personal best.

Our facilities

Learning Spaces

Our School and Preschool boast expansive outdoor learning spaces, complemented by an area dedicated to nature play, a community garden and spacious classrooms.

Outdoor Learning and Play

We have a large oval area, along with an enclosed tennis/basketball court, sand volleyball court, nature play area, new playground equipment and sandpit. We also have a Rec. centre at the front of the school property which can be utilised for indoor sports, inclement weather and larger school events.

With only a short walk to the nearby Lake George, our children are fortunate to participate in learning and exploration during ‘scrub’ excursions during terms 2 and 3. These experiences provide opportunity to explore our natural landscape, learn on country and connect our indoor learning with our local community.

We have our own library on site, which is well stocked and accessed by all classes throughout the week.